The McConnell Family
The McConnells
After serving in pastoral ministry for over 14 years, Spence has resigned as the Lead Pastor of First Baptist Church in Wellston, OK, and is transitioning to serve as a missionary in Juaréz, Mexico. The McConnell family is joining the ministry of Servant Senders.
The McConnells have never served long-term on the mission field and this will require the whole family to relocate to the mission field. The whole family values your prayers, welcomes your support, and is grateful for you seeking ways you can be involved in the ministry God is doing in Juaréz, Mexico.
More information about the McConnell family here.
Wyatt, Luke, Spence, TC, Jayleen, Ezra, Eli, Micah

Support the McConnell Family
The McConnells trust God to provide 100% of their living expenses through the generous support of individuals, companies, organizations, and Churches. They pray for God to supply the needed finances so they can serve full-time on the mission field. God can use you to support the McConnells and the work of Servant Senders by donating in any of the ways listed below.
Donations made through the McConnells sending Church, FBC Wellston, can be made here and eligible for “charitable giving” status through the IRS.
Donations can also be made through the following portals or via the portal to the right.
Zelle: 405-762-9414 or spencemcconnell@hotmail.com
CashApp: $SSPastor
Venmo: @Spence-SS
Ministries Available through Servant Senders
Short-Term Missions
Mission teams can help with Vacation Bible Schools, construction projects, evangelism, outreach, and other ministry related jobs that help support the ministry and further the work of Servant Senders in Juarez, Mexico.
Leader Training
Churches, groups, or individuals can financially support the men in the training program who are preparing to be sent out to the Spanish-speaking people to share the gospel, strengthen Churches, and advance the Kingdom of God.
Feed My Little Sheep
Weekly “Kids Clubs” is a great way to reach and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the impoverished children of Juarez. Each week, the kids are fed a meal, hear a Bible story, and are loved on by the ministry of Servant Senders.
There are numerous other ways you can financially support and be involved with Servant Senders' ministry. Please contact us with your ideas, requests, or suggestions. If you are willing to support and serve, there is a place for you with Servant Senders.
Contact Us
We would love to hear from you and connect on ways you can support and serve with the ministry of Servant Senders. Please let us know how we can explain more about the ministry, visit with you about ways you can serve in Juarez, or if you would like Spence to come and share with your Church, Sunday School class, Bible Study, or group about the work of Servant Senders and how you can support and be a part of the work God is doing in Juarez, Mexico.
Nolan & Marie Schockey
The Schockeys moved to the Juarez, Mexico, area over 25 years ago to facilitate missions and minister to the Spanish-speaking people. In 2006, the Schockeys started Servant Senders with the support of their sending Church in Colorado Springs, CO. Since 2006, they have faithfully served the Juarez area and have helped thousands of people engage in short-term missions and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Nolan and Marie started Servant Senders in 2006 with a mission and vision to train men who could train and lead other men for the glory of God and the sake of the lost souls in Mexico and beyond.
The Vision: Raise up Godly men to become Pastor, Teachers, and Leaders
The Mission: Teach faithful men who in turn will teach others
Values: Love, Humility, Servanthood, Honesty